Ever heard of RGP lens?
RGP stands for rigid gas permeable. GP lenses were first introduced in the late 1970s; they are actually a newer technology than soft lenses. Most GPs incorporate silicone, which makes them more flexible than PMMA. And silicone is oxygen permeable, so oxygen can pass through GP lenses, resulting in greater comfort and better eye health. GPs can also provide better vision, durability, and deposit resistance than soft contact lenses. They can be easier to clean, and since they're long-lasting, they can be less expensive in the long term than soft lenses.
Wow, enough with the long story, blah blah blah...
A month ago, my left eyes got inflammation due to wearing soft lens for long duration. I was 'force' not to wear lens for few weeks but spec. Now my eyes fully is recovered. However doc said due to the difference between my both eyes's degree is too huge, one side see thing bigger than the other, that's why I feel headache easily. I have 4 options,
1. Wear spec - but I continue to get headache
2. Wear soft lens - but I risk to get the inflammation
3. Wear RGP lens - last longer and help to reduce the power
4. Lasik - plan to but to be consider later
Today is my second day wearing the RGP lens. It's kinda hard and I can hardly open my eyes. Everytime I blink, the vision become blur. I think I will need some time to get use to it. Hope this solve my problem till I can do the lasik. :)