Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wedding Diaries 3


Today I pronounce both of you as husband and wife...

Status = Married ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wedding Diaries 2


等了好久, 今天终于来临了, 我们要去拍照了!!!
好兴奋, 好紧张, 好担心。。。
我们很 kia su 的, 拿了很多东西, 出发拍照去了。。。

当化妆师告知我们今天会去 Port Dickson 拍外景先, 我们可吓了一跳。 (以为会拍 Indoor 先)
化好妆, set 好头发, 穿好衣服, 我们一群人就出发了。 (阿公, 我, 摄影师Jim, 助手无人岛与化妆师Lisa)

第一次, 穿得这么隆重, 上公厕。。。
第一次, 穿得这么隆重, 在海边拍照, 顺便成了别人的旅游景色。。。
第一次, 要在大庭广众下化妆, 顺便娱乐‘马’的眼睛。。。
第一次, 发现原来拍照是很开心的, 什么烦恼都忘了。。。
第一次, 可以没顾虑的, 在别人面前抱着阿公, 亲阿公。。。

我们是真的在笑, 真的好享受这过程, 真的好甜蜜。。。

今天, 真的很累, 但是很 sweet。。。


原本是继续拍照的, 但是Jim病了。
我们也乘机休息, 累了。 而且我两个手臂都红肿, 去海边拍照所付出的代价。

原来我下巴很短耶! (每次还笑妹妹)
‘新娘子, 你人瘦瘦, 为什么会有两层双下巴。。’
‘新娘子 驼背。。。’
真是可恶!! 害我睡觉都发梦拍照。。。不过这也是事实, 阿公也经常这么说。 哈哈。。

开始我们第二天的拍照。 今天一点也不紧张了, 轻松很多。
Jim带我们去KTM Station拍外景, 不过会比较 adventure, 因为我们是要偷偷进去的。
哇, 我好紧张!! 当一走进去时, 我的心跳得好快。。。

今天无论是indoor或outdoor, 我们都顺很多了。 可能对Jim较熟, 也知要作什么, 不会像第一天这样笨笨。
Jim也快手快脚的帮我们拍完。 阿公一直跟我说, 珍惜, 要完了。
今天, 很累, 但也很开心。
或许十年后, 我们再拍一次吧! :)

也真诚的感谢Jim 帮我们拍这么有感觉的照片, 让我们享受整个过程, 留下美好的回忆。。
也真诚的感谢Lisa, 把我化得美美, 让我也能漂亮(哈哈, 真是臭美!), 把阿公’化‘得俊俊。。。

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Good Bye Hero

Good Bye, Hero...

I miss the time you bite me..
I miss the time you chase me..
I miss the time you get mad while playing..
I miss the time you cuddle with me..
I miss you so much..

I know you have gone to a better place.
Be a good boy and we will miss you.

Good bye, Hero

Saturday, November 15, 2008


在Port Dickson拍照当天,摄影师讲了一些话, 令我不断的思考。 (这摄影师什么来头呀!)

大约是, 新娘子是一个很害臊的人, 对自己没信心。 因为我驼背, 拍照时也对自己没信心, 应该是对生活很害怕的人。。。还叫我要对自己信心!

厉害吧! 短短的相处, 之前对我毫无认识的人, 可以对我做出这样的评语。 可想而知, 我是一个这么没自信的人。 不怪得工作上我多努力, 做得多好; 生活上我所提的, 建议的, 都没得到好评, 因为人家对我没信心。。

所以未来我要对自己有信心, 不要像现在这样萎缩, 害怕。。
希望没离题, 呵呵。。。

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Angry, Not Angry

The day we registered for marriage, he is so down. (Hmm...sound like he is not happy to be married)
He told me it is due to work...

Since the day we are 'legally married', I am the one who is so excited to talk about anything, to always be cheerful. I remember he always tells me, 'I will be happy when I see you are happy too'. However, these doesn't work out as I expected. He get angry easily, he is too sensitive in my joke ...(Can't you differentiate whether I mean it or it's just a joke after all these year??). I am just out of idea, maybe I should just shut my mouth. (Yeah..that's what I did last night)

Work is hard, work is tough for everybody. Happy or sad, you gotta go on with your life too. Why not just be happy? Why let the work control your life? Where does all your smile gone?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Wedding Diaries 1

22.03.08 ~He proposed ;)

Subsequently, still wonder wanna wed this yr. Decide to postpone till next year, until the economy get better, but somehow...
04.08.08 ~Set the Wedding date --> 03.01.09
24.08.08 ~Shop for wedding photo package. Went to Love Vision, Vogue and Keep Gallery. I have made my first decision in this wedding, to sign with LV (not Louis Vouitton somehow).

01.10.08 ~Submit application for ROM at Buddist Maha Vihara, Brickfield.
02.10.08 ~'Shop' for gowns at LV. In 3 - 4 hours, have tried for soooooo many wedding gowns and dresses. Thanks to Nicole for being so helpful.

03.10.08 ~Shop for wedding stuff at Pavilion. He is so patient to shop for whole day with me. As usual, I bought more things than him. hehe... I get my wedding shoes, bobbi browns...

11.10.08 ~Shop for the wedding card.

18.10.08 ~Visit Bankers Club and love the place so much. We booked the place as our KL Dinner Banquet on the 14.03.09. Thanks Hong for recommending us the place.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


After cracking my head and chasing by the group for so many days, suddenly something blinking and that's is. Here come our new topic.


We have 梦想, now let's prepare for our 未来.